pondering narrows
Having overlooked inlet's vast lake beyond morning tea steeped now to silence.
Having vigorously hiked, then crept, to loose rocks rest atop clouds below a distant dream, whispering tendrils of breeze slip above its stream of sound or life unwound to wind and wrap; such meditation's mind did thereby ascend .. and reign as might raindrops glisten upward sky's implications - blue their surround - a wondrous view where focus abides in the vast ever-present, a gift too radiant though merely a haze of breaths such that mind grows still unto peaceful calm and the quiet thrill of the world beyond the word so effortlessly reliant.
As though some meditative soul had taken wing upon an un'self'aware action known as a life's breath-by-breath release of all strife, each moment of dying a renewed illumined up-welling indwelling life.